Who's Who in
Business Academia

    Louise Thornthwaite

  • Associate Professor
  • Louise Thornthwaite
  • Department of Business
  • http://www.bus.mq.edu.au/
  • Macquarie University
  • Sydney
  • Contact by e-mail?
  • Louise has published extensively across a range of inter-related and inter-disciplinary fields which fall under the broad umbrella of employment relations, public sector management and employment law. Louise is one of Australia's leading scholars on employer association strategy and behaviour: in addition to her book, Employer Associations and Industrial Relations Change, Allen & Unwin 1999, co-edited with Peter Sheldon, she has published numerous articles and conference papers on these organisations. Her research has also spanned the topics of anti-discrimination law, equal employment opportunity practice, employer associations and industrial/labour law, grievance and appeals processes, flexible working arrangements, work/family balance, fiddling at work, the history and current regulation of public sector employment and HRM policy formation and implementation in the public sector. More recently, Louise has been focusing on two projects concerning social media at work: one project concerns the implications of social media for employment law and for the private lives of employees; the second project concerns the implications of social media for the strategies, behaviours and organising of representative organisations. In 2014, Louise also completed a number of articles on the implications of changes in 2012 to the NSW Workers Compensation legislation.

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